Invitation From James A. Hoxie, MD (Chair, CROI 2023)

My CROI 2023 co-chairs, Diane Havlir, Landon Myer, and I extend a warm and enthusiastic invitation for you to attend the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) in Seattle, Washington on February 19 to 22, 2023. This will be the first in-person CROI since 2019 and CROI’s 30th year. The first round of outstanding scientific submissions have been accepted in oral abstract, themed discussion, and interactive poster sessions. The CROI Program Committee has also composed exciting Plenary Talks, Interactive Symposia, and Technical Workshops in cutting-edge areas of basic, clinical, and epidemiologic/public health sciences covering current and cross-cutting themes in HIV/AIDS research. This meeting will also feature presentations on late-breaking science pertaining to the COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and monkeypox outbreak.

CROI 2023 will once again show what a vibrant, diverse, inclusive, international, and in-person meeting can be as a forum for presenting and communicating new information, mentoring and inspiring young investigators and community advocates, forming collaborations for the next discoveries, and meeting the challenges that the HIV/AIDS pandemic and other emerging pathogens continue to pose.

This year’s opening session will feature, Dr Alan Perelson (Bernard Fields Lecturer), Dr Kevin DeCock (N’Galy-Mann Lecturer), and Yvette Raphael (Martin Delaney Lecturer) followed by a brief video highlighting the back stories, discoveries, and life- and career-changing events that CROI has fostered over the last 30 years. This session will conclude with a tribute to Dr Anthony Fauci for his more than 40 years of service and leadership at NIH from the beginning of the AIDS pandemic followed by an address he will deliver in person to our audience.

As it has always strived to be, CROI 2023 will be a forum not only for vibrant scientific presentations and discussions, but for new investigators to meet leaders in the field, present their findings, and benefit from educational sessions and feedback on their work. We encourage you all to bring your trainees to this meeting, which for them will be welcoming, exciting, and fun.

Registration opens soon (visit for more details). We hope you will be able to attend CROI in Seattle as this conference begins its fourth decade in presenting new science, drawing into focus ongoing and emerging challenges, and inspiring the new investigators who will shape the field and ensure progress in the years to come.

Hope to see you in Seattle!

CROI Conference - Headshot - James A. Hoxie, MD

James A. Hoxie, MD
University of Pennsylvania
Chair, CROI 2023