The inclusion of a figure, table, or other graphic must conform to the guidelines for length, size, complexity, and legibility CROI Abstract Submission Guidelines. Elements that do not meet these guidelines are removed from consideration in the review process and, if the abstract is accepted, from inclusion in the Abstract eBook. We will continue to update this information as new examples become available.

Process for Table or Figure Review 

Each figure, table, or other graphic is reviewed in a blinded fashion by a 3-person panel. For reviews without unanimous consensus, the table, figure, or other graphic is assessed by an additional reviewer from the Scientific Program Committee.

Abstracts with a figure, table, or other graphic that was removed will still be reviewed and considered for presentation at CROI based on the text of the abstract. 

Common Reasons for Removal of Table or Figure 


  • Too many rows or too many columns in the table (Limit is 64 cells of data)
  • More than 1 table was included, including instances in which both a table and a figure are presented within a single image
  • Table does not include data that are relevant to the scientific abstract (eg, additional authors, contributors, text used to extend the character limit of the abstract system or other miscellaneous non-related graphic support)
  • Title, legend, and description are over the total 100-word limit


  • The figure has more than 2 panels, including instances where more than 1 distinct panel is included under an “A” or “B” header, or both
  • Unquestionably illegible in a 4-inch by 4-inch space
  • Figure does not include data relevant to the scientific abstract (eg, additional authors, contributors, text used to extend the character limit of the abstract system or other miscellaneous non-related graphic support)
  • Title, legend, and description are over the total 100-word limit
  • The figure is mislabeled as a table that exceeds the maximum number of rows or columns

Images, Flow Charts, Photographs, and Others 

  • Unquestionably illegible in a 4-inch by 4-inch space
  • Image, flow chart, photograph, etc, does not include data relevant to the scientific abstract (eg, additional authors, contributors, text used to extend the character limit of the abstract system)
  • Title, legend, and description exceed the total 100-word limit
  • More than 1 image, or an image with a table or figure
Examples of Unacceptable Tables,  Figures, and Other Graphics 

*Some examples have been drawn to illustrate the guidelines, some have been taken from Topics in Antiviral Medicine (TAM), and some are taken from unaccepted figures from CROI 2024, which have been blurred or altered to ensure information information is kept confidential.

Figure 1 and Figure 2 below are unacceptable because they have more than 2 panels. In addition, Figure 2 includes a panel (Panel B) that is illegible in a 4-inch by 4-inch space.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Table 1 and Table 2 below exceed the limit of 64 cells of data, including subcells of data.

Table 1

Table 2

Figure 3 and Figure 4 below have both a table and figure, exceed the limit of 64 cells of data, and are illegible in a 4-inch by 4-inch space.

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5 and Figure 6 below are illegible in a 4-inch by 4-inch space.

Figure 5

Figure 6