Late-breaking abstract dispositions were sent to authors on Monday, January 20th. Below are instructions on how to access the dispositions and session details.

Log into the CROI 2025 Dashboard and navigate to the Submit an Abstract, Scholarship Application, or Speaker Materials and click

You will be greeted with the My Profile screen where you can update your information, if needed. You will have two places to check for presentation details: 

  • For Presenting Authors: Click the My Submissions tab to see all abstracts on which you are listed as a presenting author 
  • For Coauthors: Click the Submissions I Am Connected With to see all abstracts in which you are a coauthor

You will see the title(s) of abstracts that you are associated with, along with the Session Summary and the Status. In the section labeled Session Summary, you will see your presentation details. The format for the presentation details are as follows: 

  • Type of Presentation (Oral, Poster, Themed Discussion) – Session your abstract is a part of – Date and time